28 सितंबर, 2010

Lets Make it a success

Now when commonwealth games has become a big prestige issue now lets help make it a success as its already millions and millions had already been spent on this circus and we should now understand that apart form being a prestige issue for the government of Delhi and India its been a show which now needs to be a success otherwise we would end up in a first class slum to live but where nobody know how to survive.
Actually i have heard that our government is trying to raise the standards of Delhi, but if we analyse this it seems that Delhi has been devided into not two but three parts. earlier it was two as the heritage of old delhi and another face of the modern era or the modern delhi, but now its third part also, the neglected areas of delhi where more then half of the population lives and struggle to survive for the bare necessities of life. if all this circus has been planned on time and the money wasted to cover up the pathholes and the patches of the games being spend on to raise the living standards on the Delhiates then the real delhi would have been different, and we dont even have to pretend or present ourselves as the developed delhi but we actually will have been developed to that extent for which we are trying to portray.
Anyways we are too late for all this, now we should concentrate and move ahead to make this a success otherwise if not then we dont even know how much more penelty we will have to pay to live in delhi. GOD BLESS...