03 अगस्त, 2012

Team Anna Zinda - Abaad

Anna's decision of making a political party and being a part of this dirty politics to clean the system is killing the people's hope and the strength of the promising people behind this movement. it gives a feeling that anna has been used by the team members as they themselves have lost their charm n identity as an individual and now their motive to be in politics is very clear and has been fulfilled now. The team members while they were on agitation dint get that much response from the people which they actually got when anna joined them and that clearly shows that people are there for that man and not the entire team. this decision has been taken as win for the congress party which from the day one have the aligation on team anna as they want to be in politics and team anna has proved that now. now my question is that is there any kind of gurantee that they wont be a part of this dirty politics or they are going to make a change. but to make that change they have to change the entire system which seems impossible atleast in my age span and hope that my children could see a better india when they grow up and have their life ahead. secondly they demands they have raised with the current government cannot be fulfilled by themselves as the way they want to impliment this could not be possible by themselves on that much scale, third is that team anna could not form a government on their own and they have to be a part of this mix match government and due to that this bill cannot be passed again. the things will linger on like this only and we might have to adjust with the team members as well as we are adjusting with the other politicians now.
so now i must say that this movement has lost the track and path of building a nation with hundreds of dreams shattered and lost hopes but still we can pray for our country and motherland and who knows their could be a miracle....

22 जुलाई, 2012

New President of India

Pranab Da has now been formally selected and elected president of india, lets see if this could make any difference or will this be another mistake by the elected representatives of this country. Congrats anyways Pranab Da....now its your turn to prove yourself as a distinguished president or like any other president of India. As being the first citizen of this democracy, we people have many hopes from you that some of your financial and social reforms might make a difference but if you keep working like the way you do and your work may not be influenced by the party you belonged to. for the next five years we would love to read from you and hear from you through the media and the press as like the earlier president about whom we only get to know when ever she had gone for a foreign trip. We hope that you might know your responsibilities better and help this country to make a difference on the globe..
congrats once again and Jai Hind..

12 जुलाई, 2012

नेताजी की रिटायरमेंट...

कभी सोचा है की एक नेता जी कभी भी और क्यूँ रेटायर नहीं होते, हर सरकारी महकमे में काम करने वाले के लिए दुनिया भर की पाबंदियां है और सिर्फ सरकारी ही नहीं बल्कि आम आदमी की जिंदगी भी ऐसा लगता है की जैसे वो सरकार के पास गिरवी रखी हुई है, और इस सरकार को चलाने वाले नेता हैं जो हमें मनमाने ढंग से चलाते हैं, जब चाहें वो क़ानून और सविधान की धज्जियां उड़ा सकते हैं...
कितने घोटाले होते हैं लेकिन या तो उनका कुछ होता नहीं है और अगर कोई इक्का दुक्का पकड़ा भी जाता है तो राजनीति की उठा पटक के बाद वो ऐसे छोड़ दिए जाते हैं जैसे की कोई योद्धा किसी युद्ध में जीत कर बहार निकला हो.. नेता लोग अपने ही लोगों के सामने इतने बोने हो जाते हैं की साठ गांठ करके राज्य का मुख्यमंत्री तक रातों रात बदल देते हैं. कई बार तो लगता है की ये कैसा गणतंत्र है और किस सविंधान पैर चल रहा है, एक आम आदमी तो जानता ही नहीं है की एक मुख्यमंत्री का या मंत्री का चुनाव कैसे होता है, यहाँ तो राष्ट्रपति के लिए भी पूरे जोड़ तोड़ किये जाते हैं, और हम सिर्फ चुनाव के समय अपना वोट डाल कर खुश हो जाते हैं, हम केवल पार्षद या एम.ऐल.ए  को चुन कर ही खुश हैं...
कई बार सोचा की क्यूँ ना एक नेता को भी एक उम्र के बाद रिटायर कर दिया जाना चाहिए और उस नेता की बनायीं हुई विरासत उसके परिवार के किसी सदस्य को न देकर किसी और को उसकी जिम्मेदारी देनी चाहिए, वर्ना ये तो एक व्यापार की तरह ही हो गया है की एक नेता का बेटा नेता बनेगा और अभिनेता का अभिनेता ..ये पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी परिवारवाद तो हर नेता के यहाँ है. एक नेता जो अपना एक नेता के तोर पे व्यवसाय शुरू करता है तो अगर वो 2-4 लाख की कीमत का होता है तो कुछ हे समय मैं उसकी कीमत 20-30 करोड़ हो जाती है और उसका कोई हिसाब किताब भी नहीं होता और न ही कोई उससे हिसाब माँगा जाता है, बल्कि राजनेतिक जोड़ तोड़ करके उसको और फायदा भी दिया जाता है और ये सब करने वाले हम लोग नहीं हैं बल्कि वो राजनेता हैं जिनको हमने चुना नहीं है लेकिन वो पता नहीं कहाँ से आ जाते हैं और हमारे सर्वे सर्वा बन जाते हैं...
आज आप कोई भी नेता गरीब दिखा दो, किसी नेता के बेटे को फौज मैं दिखा दो या किसी नेता के बच्चे को कोई अपने बल बूते पर नोकरी करते दिखा दो, कोई नहीं मिलेगा, काला धन या भ्रष्टाचार पैर ये क्या लगाम लगा केर अपने या अपने परिवारजनों के पैरों पैर कुल्हाड़ी मारेंगे ? कभी नहीं
ये देश दरअसल भगवान् भरोसे चल रहा है और भगवान् भी अपने आप मैं लाचार ही है क्यूंकि वो भी तो बिक ही जाता है इन्ही नेताओं के हाथ ....

27 जून, 2012

क़ानून की कीमत

कई बार लगता है की हम अपने आस पास के माहोल और लोगों को एहमियत नहीं देते या यूँ कह लो की सिर्फ कुछ औपचारिकता के लिए नमस्कार करना या मुस्कुरा देना काफी होता है, लेकिन अगर अचानक आपको लगे की एक सज्जन पुरुष जिनको आप पिछले 25-30 सालों से जानते हैं और उनका अचानक आपके सामने एक ऐसा घिनोने रूप दिखाई दे तो आपकी प्रतिक्रिया क्या होगी. आज कुछ ऐसा लगा की इंसान और इंसानियत की कोई कीमत ही नहीं है, सिर्फ कुछ रुपयों में इंसान और उसका ज़मीर दोनों बिक जाते हैं, पैसों के लिए रिश्ते तार तार हो जाते हैं, और तो और कानून भी अपनी कीमत लगवा कर बोना हो जाता है, 
एक लड़की जिसकी शादी को 15 साल हो चुके हों और दो बच्चे भी हों, जो जीवन भर एक दर्द को सहती रही मगर उफ़ तक नहीं की और जब उसको बेशर्मी से धक्के मारकर बच्चों के साथ आधी रात में घर से निकाल दिया जाए तो क्या होगा? पुलिस भी इंसानी कीमत लगाकर अपना काम करती है, उनको तो शायद प्रशिक्षण मैं ही अपने ज़मीर को मारना सिखाया जाता है, क़ानून के ये रखवाले शायद क़ानून से जयादा उसको तोड़ मरोड़ करना ज़यादा जानते हैं, वो लड़की अपने हे घर से बेघर की जाती है और पुलिस बेबसी से कहती है की वो इस घरेलु हिंसा मैं कुछ नहीं कर सकते, लेकिन अगर समाज जात पात से ऊपर उठ कर एकजुट होकर खड़ा हो जाए तो सभी कुछ संभव है, इन्साफ दिलाना भी और इन्साफ के लिए लड़ना भी और क़ानून को क़ानून सिखाना भी...
अच्छा लगा आज एक ऐसे समाज का हिस्सा बनकर उस बेबस के लिए लड़कर उसका हक दिलवाने में, और ये सच भी है की अगर हम एकजुट हैं तो सभी समस्याओं का हल भी है, अपने हक के लिए लड़ना गलत नहीं है बस रास्ता सही होना चाहिए और सही रास्ते पर चलकर हम अपना हक पा सकते हैं....

28 मई, 2012

Doctors, The God on earth..

I watched the episode of satyamev jayate on sunday and would praise the efforts put on by the aamir khan productions for raising some of the blunt issues of the society. but the discussion shown had many of the if's and but's left behind. the medical council knows whats going on and it has been open to all after the arrest of dr ketan who was alleged in the medical collages scam.
Earlier the doctors were the God on earth who saves our lives. but now it a big profession or a business with assured returns. from everything, the prescribed drugs, the lab tests, the recommendations and refrences, and even the humanity, everything is sold at a cut or a price of human life. from the birth to the death everything is a business for the doctors and the medical practiceners, the patient who could be a son to one or a husband to another, to somebody he could be a father, or a brother but for them he is a client who could just bring the business to them. whatever we are told we follow just for the sake of our beloveds. the test done are not always equired but just to get that cut from the lab, even sometimes the doctors deney the test recommended by the earlier doctors as they want their part.
The medicines have been sold on high prices just to earn the profits in many folds, because the pharmaceutical companies are giving some very lucrative offers to the doctors to recommend their products and recovering that money from the poor patients. why dont the government takee the responsibility of the citizens to provide the generic medicines on cheaper price to the people, as per the WHO the indian government is spending just 1.4% of their gdp on healthcare for the citizens and even the small countries are spending 6-8% for the same even this is far less for the country like india with such a big polulation. so how can we get the basic necesseties for ourselves while government is spending billions on their own and the money is been flowen to some countable accouunts only.
Everybody is now aware of the truth behind the business going on in the healthcare and even the ministery of health and the medical council of india too is aware of what is going on but why they all feel bound to take necessary steps and action? why we the citizens of india are so unprivilaged to get the basic need of food and healthcare? many more questions and still finding the answers..
but the people who are concerned are not committed to their duties and their job and we people are having a chalta hai attitude for ourselves...