13 जून, 2011

Roots of Politics

Sometimes i wonder about the origin of politics, how man after his evolution and even before he learned the art of living he might have learned the art of politics, the fight for survival, the conspiracy for being superior, and to grab whatever comes in front. to me that might be the first of its kind of politics. gradually men learned more on this and the greed started growing up for more land, power, and then comes the money, which was one of the biggest inventions so far by a human being, even bigger then fire, wheel, and anything else.
Today as we all know and hear almost daily somebody or the other involved in big scams and money laundring  coming up in thousands of crores, now even crores seems to be a small figure as compared to few hundreds earned by a middle class man few years back. i wonder what is behind all this this greed...
Even the godman or the babas to have an itch of this money, name, fame and power, to be the part of active politics.They are the teachers of the society, they have a very big impact of their words on the people of this country as we all indians are famous for our blindfaith and blind following for our religion and these babas. now if they to have the greed for all this then why should a common man.
Just now i had n experience of this in our recent elections of the resident welfare association of my residing block, i mentioed its just a block of around 135 houses and housing around 225 odd families. now even at this stage the post for the management was a controversial issue just to handle the association so that the teal leaders can benifit from the bhagidari schemes of delhi government and from other sources, but not to benifit for the society or for the welfare of the block about which nobody was seem concerned....